Horse lovers will find a wide range of events and activities in Cordoba related to horses throughout the year:
Equestrian activities:
The "Passion and Spirit of the Andalusian Horse" Equestrian Show, organized by Cordoba Ecuestre. This show takes place each week throughout the year, and is a real pleasure for the whole family, in the spectacular setting of the monumental Royal Stables of Cordoba.
Ángel Peralta Astolfi offers rides on horseback through the Cordoba mountains, equestrian shows in a winery, and exhibitions of horses and cattle in the countryside.
La Loma Horse Riding Centreoffers country routes and horse riding, pony rides, riding classes, hippotherapy sessions and other activities.
El Cañuelo Centro Ecuestre, which organises events, routes through the Guadalquivir valley and other leisure and educational equestrian activities.
Entre Toros y Caballos offers you a wide range of equestrian experiences, from visits to cattle ranches and stud farms to mini bullfights, country fiestas and much more.
Hacienda "El Cordobés". Located in the heart of Sierra Morena, this former residence of the bullfighter Manuel Benitez "El Cordobés" now hosts bullfighting and equestrian exhibitions, as well as a lively Flamenco show.
Hacienda de la Albaida, situated 10 minutes from the city centre, gives you the chance to experience life in an authentic Andalusian country villa.
Vive Trassierra, which organizes horse trails through the natural environment of Trassierra (in the city of Cordoba).
Yeguada Ramírez has over a quarter of a century of experience in preparing horses for competing at the highest international level, and you can see their daily work at the Finca El Carmen.
Annual equestrian events:
Cabalcor, the Cordoba Horse Fair, is aimed at both amateurs and professionals from the horse world, as well as the general public. All activities, competitions and shows take place in the main courtyard of the Royal Stables.
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