Sephardic Autumn in Cordoba-European Day of Jewish Culture

On September 1st, the European Day of Jewish Culture is celebrated. This day of awareness about Jewish Heritage and Legacy was born in 1996 in France under the formula of “Open Doors”, an initiative to which the Red de Juderías de España “Caminos de Sefarad” joined. In 2005, the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Heritage and Culture (AEPJ) was created, to coordinate the project at a European level, since that same year the Council of Europe distinguished this initiative with the recognition of Great European Cultural Route. Spain stood out internationally with 145 activities in 24 cities, which had the participation of 35.000 people. Only in Cordoba, 77 activities were developed, with the participation of fifty entities, in which 8.265 people participated, which was a great success. In the last edition of 2023, throughout Europe, 397 cities in 28 countries carried out 1.118 activities that were enjoyed by 219.993 people.

Due to the consolidation of this proposal, the European Day of Jewish Culture is now extended to more days with the Sephardic Autumn programme in Cordoba, which takes place in the first half of September. This year 2024, celebrating its 25th anniversary, it is celebrated under the theme “Family”.

European Day of Jewish Culture-Sephardic Autumn in Cordoba 2024:

Sephardic Autumn in Cordoba-European Day of Jewish Culture (Spain)
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