The Passion and Spirit of Andalusian Horse Equestrian Show (Cordoba - Spain)
The Passion and Spirit of Andalusian Horse Equestrian Show
The Royal Stables in Cordoba were founded in the year 1570 by a royal decree of Felipe II, who was a great lover of horses. He launched this...
The Soul of Cordoba - Night-time visit to the Mosque-Cathedral (Cordoba (Spain)
The Soul of Cordoba - Night-time visit to the Mosque-Cathedral
The Soul of Córdoba - Night-time Visit to the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba is a wonderful way to get to know this amazing build...
Experiences in Cordoba (Spain)
In Cordoba, different companies and organizations offer a number of experiences throughout the year through our Online Booking system. Alter...
Flamenco in Cordoba (Spain)
   Centro Flamenco Fosforito - Posada del Potro    Desirée Calero    Fitflamc...
Visits to Stud Farms (Yeguadas)
   Ángel Peralta Astolfi    Centro Ecuestre Pony Club La Loma    Centro de Equitac...
Arab baths and relaxation places in Cordoba (Spain)
Arab baths and relaxation places
-   Baños Árabes de Córdoba -   Baños Árabes Hammam Al Ándalus ...
Guided tours and organized visits (Cordoba - Spain)
Guided tours and organized visits
Guided tours for individual visitors with guaranteed departures: Click here Professional Organisations of Tourist Guides in Cordo...
Cinema in Cordoba (Spain)
   Cines El Tablero    Filmoteca de Andalucía    Guadalquivir Cinemas ...
Theatre in Cordoba (Spain)
Cordoba has a network of top quality, multi-purpose theatrical venues, which has been enhanced and enriched by the recent recovery of two ne...
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